Grand Woodworking The Premier Source for Custom Woodworking in SW Florida and Naples Mon, 01 Dec 2014 16:24:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Kitchen Remodeling Tips for Naples, Florida Mon, 26 Aug 2013 09:05:05 +0000 Read More]]> Naples is a unique real estate market
Anyone who has purchased real estate in Naples, Florida knows that the marketing in this region is unique. The combination of nearly perfect weather coupled with an extremely affluent home buying community, a vigorous luxury rental business during the winter months plus limited housing inventories creates opportunities not seen elsewhere. As has been well documented, the housing market is currently undergoing a resurgence. Persistently low interest rates and a dearth of new construction has created demand for homes unseen since before the Great Recession.

As noted by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, the market forces are creating a huge upswing in remodeling spending as well. According to the Harvard research, remodeling contractors have seen increasing demand for remodeling during each of the past four quarters. The future indicators selected by the Harvard researchers predict dramatic upswings in remodeling to continue. This finding is consistent with the fact that as home prices increase owners are more confident in returns from remodeling projects.

Why it makes sense to remodel a kitchen in Naples
As noted above, the conditions are favorable to consider a remodeling project in the Naples region. Here are four factors working in your favor:

1. Borrowing costs are at historic lows – Although most in the Naples market are quite capable of funding remodeling projects with cash, why not let the power of leverage and borrowing work for you? At the current borrowing rates, one may remodel and create 15 or 20 years of new value to a home. Over a 15 year period interest rates are almost certain to rise – making the investment even more attractive.

2. With housing inventories extremely low coupled with high demand a high end remodel will hold or exceed its cost – The recent National Housing Trend Report has found that national home inventories have decreased by 5.24 percent in July comparing year over year. One of the top markets charting a major decline in inventories is Naples, Florida. Naples was measured by the report to be in the Top 5 markets for declining inventory year over year at an astounding 23.05 percent decrease. This indicates that any potential buyers will likely be literally bidding up the few available properties for sale in the near future.

3. A kitchen remodel is among the most profitable amendments you can make to your property. According to Realtor Magazine a kitchen remodel is a high yield improvement to your home. Remodeling a kitchen ranked in the Top 5 improvements in terms of getting your money back. Interestingly, this doesn’t include the joy and value of actually living in a home with a brand new kitchen – which is the main reason most homeowners remodel.

4. If you haven’t remodeled your kitchen in the past few years there are a plethora of new ideas, materials and technology available. New electronics and materials have become married to traditional wood in recent years to arrive at a thoroughly livable, cozy yet modern kitchen. If you haven’t considered your options for a while, a look at the new concepts, materials and layouts may get your really excited to start a new project.

Profitable kitchen remodeling
In the Naples market the operative word for a kitchen remodel is: customization. From unique materials like exotic woods to custom designs and even custom designed and fabricated furniture for your kitchen – buyers in the future want to see a kitchen with style and a ‘wow’ factor.

According to Naples kitchen remodeling expert Neil Heuer a co-founder of Grand Woodworking, custom furniture can be the difference between a good kitchen and a great kitchen. ”I’ve often heard that a primary reason for custom kitchens including cabinets and furniture is to create a home to meet the very specific needs of the homeowner. Whether it is to specifically match a complex molding or to compliment an exotic wood species from existing flooring, or to extend an existing cabinet theme – custom woodworking is often the only viable option.”

To extract the maximum profit from your kitchen remodel follow these tips:

1. Know the market. If you are expecting to add value to your home, seek out a local realtor with experience in your local real estate market and in your home style and price range. Have a walk through with the realtor and describe in as much detail as possible what you are anticipating doing. Listen closely for feedback on which features or upgrades are most desirable in the current market.

2. Don’t neglect the basic layout of your kitchen. Whether you select a classic triangle layout or a more contemporary zone layout – potential buyers will notice how functional the kitchen is in addition to the craftsmanship and finishes. You can acquaint yourself with the five most popular kitchen layouts at HGTV.

3. Research the newest appliances. A great kitchen remodel will include new appliances and these have evolved considerably over the past few years. Make sure to visit a high end appliance retailer or two in your neighborhood to see what each manufacturer is packing into the new lines. You can see a few new trends in state of the art kitchens here at

To get further information, to to view an extensive portfolio of previously produced kitchen remodel projects or to get started on designing your new dream kitchen contact Grand Woodworking today at: 293-594-WOOD (9663). Plan well and enjoy the benefits of a profitable new kitchen in your home.

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Trade Center Way Industrial Property Sold Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:07:28 +0000 Read More]]> NAPLES, Florida (August 21, 2013) – A large building located in the heart of Naple’s ”central nervous system” for contractors and designers has been sold to Grand Woodworking of Naples, Florida. The newly purchased building located on Trade Center Way is over 21,000 square feet which includes over 11,000 square feet of climate controlled manufacturing space. The current building configuration houses several large offices across two stories. According to Grand Woodworking a portion of the office space will be redesigned into a cutting edge custom furniture and hands-on display area to showcase the work of the company’s wood artisans.

According to Mr. Mike Carr, Sr., the Regional Director of Southwest Florida for Coldwell Banker Commercial the building was not on the market when sold to Grand Woodworking. Mr. Carr weighed the needs of the woodworking firm and sourced a location to fit the client’s needs. As the southern Florida real estate market has returned to life, the available inventory of prime industrial property in Naples became an impediment for Grand Woodworking. Working together with Coldwell Banker and Mr. Carr the firm navigated the current real estate landscape to arrive at the perfect solution for their manufacturing, office and showroom requirements.

Grand Woodworking expects to hire anywhere from two to ten additional employees during the ramp up of the new facilities, increasing employment in the greater Naples area.

According to Mr. Neil Heuer a co-founder of Grand Woodworking, ”The space will allow Grand Woodworking to continue with our exponential growth. With this new location and facility we will be able to stock additional species of wood, lumber, equipment and construction materials making our speed to market faster. We will also have more space to employ local skilled craftsmen to meet and exceed customers’ deadlines.”

To learn more about Grand Woodworking or to view their portfolio of previously produced projects — including custom cabinetry, unique hand-built furniture, and stunning architectural millwork — please call 293-594-WOOD (9663), or visit

About Grand Woodworking
The premiere source for fine custom architectural woodwork in Naples, Florida is Grand Woodworking. All woodworking projects are custom designed and precision fitted ensuring a true heirloom piece worthy of passing to the next generation. Grand Woodworking is well known for Florida’s finest custom cabinets and custom cabinetry. To learn more please call: 239-594-WOOD (9663).

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Wood Species Used in Remodeling Tue, 23 Jul 2013 09:34:25 +0000 Read More]]> One of the most topical questions when considering a custom remodel of a kitchen, bathroom, library or living room is:

”Which species of wood is best for my remodeling or custom furniture building needs?”

The following are just some of the wide variety of wood species used by Grand Woodworking in our remodeling projects. Please contact us to discuss which wood species is best for your remodeling, custom cabinetry or custom furniture application.

Maple – Maple trees are mostly native to Asia, but as there are approximately 128 species of Maple worldwide, there are varieties that thrive in North America, Europe and Maple even Africa. Maple wood is generally found in pale color tones with a more subtle grain than other hard woods. Maple is an extremely durable wood and is considered to be one of the most popular and widely used woods in remodeling today. Typical applications can include paneling, as well as cabinets and wall paneling. Sugar Maple wood which is also known as ‘Hard Maple’ is chosen for it’s ability to withstand a beating. That’s why applications such as bowling allies and butcher’s blocks are often executed in Hard Maple. Maple also carries sound very well and is used in the manufacture of musical instruments including guitars and violins. In remodeling, furniture and cabinetry applications, there are several distinct grain patterns that can be chosen to enhance the artistry of the piece. While Maple is usually somewhat straight grained, there are also variations of grain including curly or blistered Maple and even a grain variety named ‘bird’s eye’.

Cherry – As anyone who has studied American history (George Washington specifically) knows, Cherry is a fruit tree with varieties including the American Black Cherry which thrives in the Northeastern United States. Although a thoroughly modern material and black-cherry-150x150 widely in use for remodeling applications today, Cherry wood was crafted into furniture and decorative items since 400 BC when first used by the Greek and Roman craftsmen. The heartwood of Cherry is valued for it’s rich red hues and straight grains. Typical applications in remodeling include fine furniture, decorative millwork and heirloom cabinetry. Cherry wood also takes finish very well and is easy to work with.

Black Walnut – Black Walnut trees are another variety which has a long history of human consumption and use. As long ago as 2000 BC archeological evidence suggests black_walnut-150x150 that North Americans were consuming walnuts for food and using the tree sap for food preparation as well. Walnut wood is harvested from trees that grow to around 150 feet with mostly straight trunks. The wood itself has a figured grain, and the heartwood displays a color range from brownish tones to a dark chocolate color. Walnut also shrinks and swells less than any other wood, plus it works well with steam to produce interesting curved pieces. Today Walnut is commonly used in remodeling for cabinetry and fine furniture.

Mahogany – Mahogany is a wood which is highly resistant to rot and highly stable. Historically this made mahogany the wood of choice for shipbuilding. The wood itself is mahogany-150x150 very dense and with its straight grain is very resistant to bending or warping. Mahogany is a tropical hardwood that has been used since pre-history for a variety of decorative uses. Mahogany commonly occurs in a reddish brown color tone and is highly durable. As some wood species of Mahogany have been linked to deforestation in Cuba, Honduras and Brazil the wood has become much rarer in current times. Additionally, one should ensure that the Mahogany supplied is sustainable and comes from a reputable harvester. Due to the increased scrutiny on this wood species, Mahogany is a more exclusive and hence expensive remodeling option. Typical uses include the creation of fine furniture and heirloom cabinetry.

Oak – Oak wood is of course harvested from Oak trees. However there are over 600 separate species of Oak and not every type is ideal for remodeling or furniture building oak-150x150 purposes. Oak is a hardwood which is strong yet also easy to work with. Oak has been popular with artisans since the 1500′s. Early applications included shipbuilding and most particularly barrel making. Even in modern times, oak species are made into barrels for aging fine alcohols for drinking including Scotch whiskey and bourbon whiskey. Due to its high tannin content, Oak wood is very resistant to fungus and insects. Oak has been used for timber framed structures, fine furniture building, veneers and durable flooring.

Sapele – Native to Africa and growing throughout large sections of that continent, Sapele trees grow to large widths with a straight trunk of up to 80 feet. This makes for sapele-150x150 exceptionally long straight and stable pieces of usable lumber. Sapele is a member of the mahogany family and is sometimes referred to as ‘African mahogany’. It should be noted however that Sapele is twice as hard as domestic mahogany and nearly completely impervious to rot. This has made Sapele a preferred material for outdoor applications such as windows and doors. The rich deep reddish tones of this wood coupled with the durability make it ideal for a number of remodeling applications.

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Grand Woodworking Chooses Cabinet Vision Software Tue, 23 Jul 2013 09:09:21 +0000 Read More]]> NAPLES, Florida (July 23, 2013) – To succeed in modern business during this economic recovery, companies must work more efficiently to produce the highest quality products with fewer employees. This practice keeps the cost of goods reasonable while yielding exceptional quality. One key aspect of this process is often a greater reliance on computer software, and one company using computers to reduce manufacturing costs is Grand Woodworking.

Grand Woodworking is South Florida’s newest and most competitive source for custom architectural woodwork and custom kitchen cabinets. The company is headquartered in Naples and draws on the expertise of architectural millwork and custom woodworking artisans with deep experience in creating masterpieces for distinguished homes and businesses.

Grand Woodworking has partnered with Cabinet Vision software and now uses the Solid Ultimate software product to take full advantage of its solid modeling technology. Solid Ultimate also enables Screen-To-Machine manufacture, the most powerful automated CAM solution in the woodworking industry, which sends all Grand Woodworking’s designs as machine-ready G-Code straight to their holzher cosmec 510 three axis CNC router.

Neil Heuer, co-founder of Grand Woodworking explained, ”The Cabinet Vision software will create greater quality control ensuring a better product. Also it will allow us to utilize our CNC to its fullest ability and make a precision product that is of greater quality in a much faster period of time. We can also share detailed renderings of photorealistic quality with the client prior to the actual installation. This ensures that the unique custom manufactured woodworking pieces are exactly what the customer expected.”
Cabinet Vision’s products help enable any furniture, woodworking or kitchen cabinet manufacturer to fully automate and integrate its design through manufacturing processes, saving time, eliminating costly mistakes and increasing productivity.

Don Diamond, Manufacturing Technology Consultant with Vero Software a leading CAD CAM software company and developers of Cabinet Vision stated, ”We at Vero Software Limited are very excited to be working with Grand Woodworking to help them improve their manufacturing processes, allowing them to deliver higher quality products and services to their customers. Cabinet Vision’s industry leading technology combined with Grand Woodworking’s skilled craftsmanship is sure to produce amazing results.”

To learn more about Grand Woodworking or to view their portfolio of previously produced projects — including custom cabinetry, unique hand-built furniture, and stunning architectural millwork — please call 293-594-WOOD (9663), or visit

About Grand Woodworking
The premiere source for fine custom architectural woodwork in Naples, Florida is Grand Woodworking. All woodworking projects are custom designed and precision fitted ensuring a true heirloom piece worthy of passing to the next generation. Grand Woodworking is well known for Florida’s finest custom cabinets and custom cabinetry. To learn more please call: 239-594-WOOD (9663).

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A Bathroom Remodel can Create the Home You’ve Been Looking For. Thu, 18 Jul 2013 09:40:54 +0000 Read More]]> When you consider remodeling your home, what rooms do you think of first? In many homes, the bathroom is overlooked when remodeling a house. Because bathrooms are less visible, they often get moved down the list when considering what to change first. However, a new bathroom design can greatly increase your everyday enjoyment of your home.

Remodeling your bathroom personalizes your home, making it reflective of your tastes and creating a functionality that suits your needs. A bathroom can be formed in one’s own image: with some work, it can become something you don’t work around, but that works for you.

The question then becomes: what do you wish your bathroom could do better? Is it crowded or difficult to navigate? Is it an overall poor layout or design? Are the cabinets and fixtures unattractive or outdated? Does your bathroom fail to “wow,” or does it just not feel like home? All of these problems can be rectified with a remodel or redesign.

In most bathrooms, the most important facet of a remodel is the vanity. The majority of your time prepping and styling takes place in front of the vanity. To truly maximize your enjoyment of every aspect of your home, you need a vanity that reflects the way you use your bathroom can transform the space into one that is more useful. Two pictures from Grand Woodworking’s recent projects illustrate different ideas that can spur your creative spirit.

Seligman-Master-Bath-2-150x150For the Seligman residence, it was important to construct a thoroughly modern look. Clean, simple lines and minimalist satin nickel hardware capture current trends and give functionality without being distracting. A double sink vanity makes the most of the space and allows the room to have a more open layout. Crown moulding, window trim, and wall panels continue the clean angles of the room with a modular feel.

S-Master-Bath-150x150The Soars residence chose a more traditional look. A distressed ivory finish and antique nickel hardware create an antique feel to the room. Because all our designs are custom built, a variety of drawer and cabinet sizes are available to fit your needs. This allows you to take into account how you use the room and imagine a space that conforms to your needs.

These are only a few of the ways a remodel can transform your present bathroom into something that is beautiful and functional. Grand Woodworking offers a variety of decorative options. You can select any number of high-quality hardwoods such as oak or walnut, or even use reclaimed or recycled wood for historic and ecologically sustainable designs.

Grand Woodworking has over 30 years experience exceeding customers’ expectations, and our design team specializes in guiding you through the creative process from idea to installation. A recent news posting describes how effortless Grand Woodworking’s furniture creating process is, and our customer reviews and portfolio speak for themselves.

To find out how Grand Woodworking can transform your bathroom into an oasis of relaxation, call them at 239 594 WOOD (9663), or visit

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Grand Woodworking Makes Creating Custom Furniture Effortless Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:47:15 +0000 Read More]]> Naples woodworkers craft custom built-in for the Mitchell family.

Grand Woodworking strives to set itself apart from the competition. Giving customers an unparalleled experience is what drives every aspect of the production process. The recent built-in entertainment center created for the Mitchell family clearly illustrates the journey from vision to completion.

The creation of the project begins when a customer comes to Grand Woodworking with a unique vision of where to take their residence. One of Grand Woodworking’s key distinctives is the ability to listen to clients and translate their desires into reality. With over 30 years of experience in creating fine custom cabinetry, custom furniture, and architectural millwork, almost nothing is impossible to produce. Grand Woodworking’s design team has an uncanny ability to wed form and function, creating truly one-of-a-kind custom woodwork that will become a centerpiece in any residence

Mitchell-Wall-Unit-150x150After the customer discusses their desires and explores customizing options with a designer, they are presented with a two-dimensional drawing of the concept. This gives the client their first look at their new furniture and allows them to ensure they are satisfied with the initial design. A look at the Mitchell initial drawing shows the aesthetic vision in its most elementary form. No concern is too small in the design process, so the concept is revised until the customer is fully satisfied with what the artist has produced.

Mitchel-Rendering-150x150The next step is the creation of a three dimensional image of the project. By viewing the rendering which represents the wood and finish they envisioned, the customer has a more full understanding of what the completed unit will look like in their residence. This example from the Mitchell project shows what the captivating unit will look like when completed. The ultra-realistic drawing is configured to show lifelike dimensions and how lighting and shadows might fall on the unit when installed. This also allows the customer to fine tune their project by seeing a picture of the final product before work is even begun.

This model then serves as a template which gives the craftsmen creating the project have a highly detailed idea of what the customer believes the unit should look like. This eliminates deviations between design and execution and guarantees the customer receives exactly what they want the first time. By closing the gap between conception and completion, production time and waste are minimized which results in competitive pricing and customer satisfaction.

Finally, expert craftsmen set to manufacturing the product using the highest quality materials. Grand Woodworking prides itself on having the quickest production and installation times of any local company. After the components are assembled they are loaded and taken to the job were they are fitted together and installed. Once the unit has been assembled and the customer is satisfied, the project is complete. By anticipating customer needs and utilizing current technology, Grand Woodworking’s production model eliminates the hassle found with many custom furniture production companies.

Mitchell-Builtin-1-150x150Images of the finished Mitchell project showcase the stunning work that was completed in their residence. The unit beautifully displays their decorative glasswork, and the custom frame encasing the center opening transforms their television into a work of art.

To learn more about how Grand Woodworking can take your imagination and craft it into a custom piece of furniture, visit them at, or call 239 594 WOOD (9663).

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Grand Woodworking Gives The Brighton a Facelift, Helps Drive Sales. Mon, 11 Feb 2013 09:51:57 +0000 Read More]]> Bay Colony condo undergoes exquisite remodel by Naples area craftsmen.

Bay Colony is synonymous with beauty, amenities, and luxury. Located in Pelican Bay’s most exclusive subdivision, The Brighton exemplifies everything desirable about the affluent Naples lifestyle. Only minutes from the Naples Philharmonic and the Waterside Shops, the condo is nestled in the heart of Southwest Florida’s most exclusive community.

One of 2012′s best-selling luxury residences, homes in the 22 story, 75 unit condominium overlooking Naples Beach routinely sell from two to over three million dollars. However the building, built in 1994, was in need of modernization to showcase its beauty and match the views of the nature preserves and sandy beaches which surround The Brighton. To craft a look which reflected the prestige of the community and satisfied the expectations of discriminating residents required contractors who could provide creative vision, immaculate workmanship, and the highest quality materials.

The original design elements created challenges to overcome in the renovation. The 20 year old design featured a large column in the lobby, a design which required innovative solutions. Brighton-Lobby-1-150x150 To solve this problem, Grand Woodworking enclosed the column with anigre, an exotic wood veneer. To create seating for the lobby, designer upholstered wedges were added around the column and accented with anigre wedges to act as end tables. The result is a beautiful space that provides accommodating seating for residents and guests.

Creating a luxurious entry for homeowners and their visitors was another challenge. Grand Woodworking updated the reception desk to a more modern look giving it a simple, clean appearance outfitted with LED lights. The desk combines elegance with functionality, allowing the staff to welcome residents home and serve their needs.

First-Floor-Hallway-150x150The elevator landings of the North and South wings were also updated with custom wall panels to enclose marbled wall decorations in a handcrafted wood frame. In order to give the feeling of a larger space, clear glass beads were added to the center of the wall to create a window-like illusion. The contrast of white woodwork and the clear beads along the expansive hallways opens up the area and creates a minimalist aesthetic that transforms an elevator landing into a work of art.

Residents love the work, according to building manager Ralph Waters. Buyers have also placed their seal of approval on the work. Realtors have remarked on the elegance of the renovation, and sales have been strong since the work had been completed, with eight homes selling in December and January alone.

“The Brighton is one of the finest residences in all of Naples,” said Grand Woodworking co-founder Neil Heuer. “It was an honor to provide the residents of Brighton a more beautiful place to live and show Grand Woodworking is in the upper echelon of Southwest Florida woodworking.”

To find out how Grand Woodworking can transform your living space with fine custom cabinetry, architectural millwork, and handcrafted furniture, visit or call 239 594 WOOD (9663).

To learn more about The Brighton at Bay Colony, visit

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Toronto Custom Home Builder Appoints Grand Woodworking to Enhance His Florida Home Tue, 05 Feb 2013 09:54:36 +0000 Read More]]> When Canadian luxury home builder Greg Seligman, president of G.E.S. Construction in Toronto, decided to build a new home in Naples, he called Grand Woodworking. Grand Woodworking, South Florida’s premiere source for superior custom cabinets and architectural woodwork, had made an impression on Seligman while he was working with other contractors.

“Grand Woodworking impressed me with their quality work and dedication to service,” said Seligman. “The company exceeded my expectations when I was searching for a partner to bring my vision to fruition.”

Seligman understands that aesthetic appeal, strict quality standards, and attention to detail combine to create landmark homes. His own business, G.E.S. Construction, specializes in custom home construction for some of Toronto’s most prestigious residences. Founded in 1986, G.E.S. focuses on new home construction, renovations and historical renovations. Seligman limits his projects to ensure quality is built into every facet of a house, and he personally oversees the construction of each home.
“With G.E.S.’s reputation for beautiful and innovative home construction throughout Ontario,” said Grand Woodworking co-founder Eddie Martin, “it’s an honor for Greg Seligman to have chosen us.”

“I’m glad Grand Woodworking will be working with me through the entire process,” Seligman added, “taking the project from idea to design to finish. It’s their thorough commitment to the details and craftsmanship that convinced me they were the perfect choice.”
“We are happy to be chosen for this project,” said Grand Woodworking’s co-founder Neil Heuer. “Having an expert home builder like Greg Seligman choose us to work on his personal home is a ringing endorsement for the standards of excellence Grand Woodworking is known for.”

The expert craftsmen at Grand Woodworking will invest decades of experience in creating a distinctive look and finish in Seligman’s home, including:

• Contemporary style architectural gallery ceiling panels with a total length of 114’

• Modern master bathroom vanities with iron frame base platforms.

• Medicine cabinets designed to complement with chrome trimmed frames

• Living room TV cabinet – contemporary slotted style, solid walnut with black background

• Game room cabinet – louvered style cabinet with integrated refrigerator behind closed doors

• Den cabinet – modern, sleek, complemented with a light valance

Seligman’s home will have a contemporary design with a ‘less is more’ look. He plans to display his art collection along the home’s long hallways, and the cabinetry will have a sleek modern look. These spaces appeal to Grand Woodworking’s strengths. They have been lauded for their ability to create heirloom quality woodwork and an aesthetic space centered on visual appeal, and Seligman’s vision allows Grand Woodworking to showcase its craftsmanship and versatility.

To learn more about Grand Woodworking and view their portfolio showcasing their custom cabinetry, unique hand-built furniture, and stunning architectural millwork, call 239-594-9663, or visit

To learn more about Greg Seligman and G.E.S. Construction, please visit the company’s website at

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Grand Woodworking Enters into Global Marketplace Thu, 30 Aug 2012 09:56:12 +0000 Read More]]> Custom Kitchen and Bath project on the island of Eleuthera vaults Grand Woodworking onto an international stage

Custom cabinetry and millwork company Grand Woodworking announced today it is going global with the company’s latest project. A resident of Eleuthera, a small island in the Bahamas about 50 miles east of Nassau, has hired the woodworking experts to outfit his vacation home.

“We are very excited about the project and what it points to for Grand Woodworking’s future,” said company co-founder Neil Heuer. “This marks our first step onto the global stage as we literally take our top quality custom craftsmanship through international waters.”

Grand Woodworking, the newest and most competitive source for custom architectural woodwork and custom cabinets in the greater Naples area, provides a full suite of services with this landmark project in the Bahamas. The expert artisans from Grand Woodworking will be making custom kitchen and baths for the exclusive 24-acre property, as well as a custom foyer and a portico within the residence.

“The project will fit nicely into our expanding portfolio,” said the company’s other co-founder Eddie Martin. “Our artisans are working closely with the client to bring his vision into reality. When completed, we will be providing him with a one-of-a-kind look and style for his home that will last.”

The company draws on the expertise of architectural millwork and custom woodworking artisans with vast experience in creating masterpieces for distinguished homes and businesses.  For this international project, Grand Woodworking’s crew of experienced artisans will design and hand craft each piece of the project.

They then will custom fit the elements, constructing every part of the project with the finest tools in the industry. Once that is complete, they will deliver this future heirloom to the island and install each piece into the property on Eleuthera.

“This is a very inspirational project,” added Heuer. “Our entire staff is buzzing with excitement because Grand Woodworking is embarking on an international project so quickly after our business launched.”

To learn more about Grand Woodworking or to view their portfolio of previously produced projects — including custom cabinetry, unique hand-built furniture, and stunning architectural millwork — please call 239-594-WOOD (9663), or visit

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Grand Woodworking Expands its Services with Three New Lines Wed, 22 Aug 2012 09:57:19 +0000 Read More]]> Habersham, Crystal and Plain & Fancy Options Help Diversify Grand Woodworking’s Services

Custom cabinetry and millwork company Grand Woodworking announced today that it has expanded its line of services, adding high end options from Habersham Homes, Crystal Cabinetry and Plain & Fancy Custom Cabinetry.

“We are very excited to be able to offer these new lines to our customers,” said Grand Woodworking co-founder Eddie Martin. “The top of the line quality that Habersham, Crystal and Plain & Fancy are known for helps us maintain the high standards of excellence from Grand Woodworking.”

“These services,” said Martin, “will complement the projects we offer at Grand Woodworking giving our customers a wider range of choice but maintaining the heirloom quality and expert craftsmanship expected by the Grand Woodworking name.”

Grand Woodworking is South Florida’s newest and most competitive source for custom architectural woodwork and custom cabinets in the greater Naples area. The company draws on the expertise of architectural millwork and custom woodworking artisans with deep experience in creating masterpieces for distinguished homes and businesses.

“There will be a balance in terms of what the customer gets by choosing one of these lines versus using our staff for an in-house project,” Neil Heuer, Martin’s partner and co-founder said. “If they choose a Grand Woodworking in-house designed project, there is a wider range of customization available. If they choose something from our Habersham, Crystal or Plain & Fancy offerings, they will be able to get a faster turnaround time on the project.”

“That’s the key difference,” added Martin. “These new lines can leverage their manufacturing facilities to speed the completion of the project. While our in-house staff can leverage our agility and craftsmanship to give customers more personalized and customized options during the project.”

Heuer also explained why Grand Woodworking chose these three specific lines to help with the company’s expansion. “We considered multiple brands” he said, “but chose Habersham, Crystal and Plain & Fancy because of their high standards of quality.”

“We want to provide our customers with work that becomes an heirloom, a piece that stands the test of time and reflects the very best craftsmanship in the industry. The three lines we’ve chosen for our expansion all have the same goals and standards with their work so our customers have more flexibility in their choices and sacrifice nothing in quality.”

To learn more about Grand Woodworking or to view their portfolio of previously produced projects — including custom cabinetry, unique hand-built furniture, and stunning architectural millwork — please call 239-594-WOOD (9663), or visit

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